Photo Archives - 1950's

We are excited to add several cabin(?) photos from 1958.  These come to us from Joe Rosen.  We're not sure of the cabin numbers, or if these are even representations of cabins.  Other cabin photos from this era are usually taken near a cabin, which is why we're unsure of these photos.  Please check them out and tell us about them!

The pictures represented on this web page are from the 1950's.  If you know exactly what year any of these photos is from, tell us and we'll move it to the proper year page.

The cabin, staff, and all-camp photos are included here for quick reference.  Enjoy!!

Joe & May, Loretta & Skipper
Loretta & Skipper

1952 - looks like a cabin photo. Any help is welcome!

1954 Cabin 4
1954 Cabin ?
1954 All-Camp

1955 All-Camp
1956 All-Camp  1956 Cabin 3
1957 All-Camp

Cabin 1 Cabin 1?? Cabin 2 Cabin 3 Cabin 4
Cabin 5 Cabin 6 Cabin 7 Cabin 8
Cabin 9 Cabin 10 All-Camp Staff

1959 All-Camp  1959 Cabin 2  1959 Cabin 7

1950's Marketing Literature #1
1950's Marketing Literature #2